Thursday, October 30, 2008

It has been a while since my last blog. Some of my students are off to a great start. Others are having difficulty getting a game foundation.

This is my second year with Game Design and I am experimenting with a different approach. I now have Game 1 and Game 2 students. It seems to be a little more complicated keeping both groups motivated since they are at different levels.

My Game 2 students are often called on to help Game 1 students with difficult assignments.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Globaloria Workshop - July 2008

Workshop time goes by so quickly. I wish I had a video of the class instruction to review later. There are so many items of interest I will probably forget by the time school begins in the fall. Hopefully, Lee will send me reminders throughout the school year.

I always enjoy meeting the Globaloria participants. It is always interesting to share ideas on subject matter not relating to Globaloria.

"Why didn't I remember that from the previous session" goes through my mind a number of times. How soon we forget!